2024-25 Registration
Have you recently moved into the area? New student registration for the 2023-24 school year is open.
For tips on filling out the form, refer to How to Register a New Student.
2024-25 Option Course Registration

All requests to attend a non-designated school must be submitted online on either the Returning Student Registration Form or New Student Registration Form, as applicable. Acceptance at a requested non-designated school is based on available space. Some EIPS schools have closed boundaries because of high enrolment numbers and will not accept registrations from non-designated or non-resident students.
The returning student registration process for the 2024-25 school year will take place Feb. 8-21, 2024. To be considered for enrolment in a non-designated school for the coming school year, returning families must make that request during the returning student registration process.
NOTE: All requests to attend a non-designated school or out-of-boundary program for returning students in grades 1-12 must be completed during the returning student registration process to be considered for the next school year. The only exception: Students who move into the Division from outside the geographic area, or another community within the Division, following the deadline. All families who apply to attend a non-designated school will be contacted and advised of the outcome in late February.
Optimal Enrolment Limits & Closed Boundaries
In accordance with Administrative Procedure 305: School Attendance Areas and Requests to Attend Non-Designated Schools, schools in EIPS have established optimal enrolment limits (a pre-determined, maximum number of students that can be registered at a school) to ensure high-quality learning conditions.
2024-25 Optimal Enrolment Limits and Closed Boundaries
Schools that have not yet reached their optimal enrolment limits have space to register resident students from outside their designated attendance area. Schools where enrolment is projected to reach or exceed the optimal enrolment limit will have closed boundaries. A school with a closed boundary is one that does not have sufficient space to register any new non-designated students, and therefore will not consider requests to attend a non-designated school from resident or non-resident students.